
A great song doesn’t always need to be mastered; just like a musical opinion, based on experiences and passion. If you are looking for a place to find dope new music, ultimately, adjusting your Top 5s, then this is the sanctuary for you. In addition, I will take you on a journey to as many shows as I can go to, budgetary and quarantine situation permitting.

For me, music makes life worthwhile. I wanted to find an outlet; because, after the last playback of a voice memo I recorded in my car, it’s most definitely not singing. Two years ago, while I was slinging Farm-To-Table food and searching for a full-time job in music marketing, I came up with the idea to create a podcast. This has been a process made of molasses, but now I am disciplined and determined to stay at home, and fulfill my goals. Well, the government decided for me, but who can keep track nowadays.

L.A. UNMASTERED is not just for me. This is a haven for all music lovers to connect. A place to not be ashamed of your musical opinions and tastes. Leave me a at 646.389.9079. You can give me your hot takes or even drop a few bars or do a run. Pending your permission, I will share your message on the show, or call you to discuss your topic on air.

However, please know, under no circumstance is anything other than respect permitted. There is a 0 tolerance policy for any type of -ism and -phobia out there. If you cannot be civil and have dignity, you will be all the way blocked.

But I digress…

For those of you asking, “Why would I care about what you’ve got to say about music?” Respect. Here is my LinkedIn. This is what I have done and who I am. Aside from my experience in the industry, music is the love of my life. I have never gone a day without music. Genre boundaries have never been in existence. I have watched music break hearts and build bridges. Music unites. Music will save the world.


Lauren Allen

Zachary Mezzo
Theme Composer & Editor

Star Pendergrass
Logo Illustrator